George H. Mead. Bibliografia

2001. George Herbert Mead, Essays in Social Psychology. Ed. by M. J. Deegan. Transaction Books.

1982. George Herbert Mead, The Individual and the Social Self: Unpublished Essays by G. H. Mead, Edited by David L. Miller. University of Chicago Press.

1964. George Herbert Mead, Selected Writings, Edited by Andrew J. Reck. University Chicago Press

1938. George Herbert Mead, The Philosophy of the Act, Edited by Charles W. Morris et al. University of Chicago Press.

1936. George Herbert Mead, Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century, Edited by Charles W. Morris. University of Chicago Press.

1934. George Herbert Mead, Mind, Self, and Society, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Tr. It. Mente, Sé e Società, Giunti Barbera, Firenze, 1966.

1932. George Herbert Mead, The Philosophy of the Present, Prometheus Books, Amherst (NY). Tr. It. La filosofia del presente, Guida, Napoli, 1986.

1913. George Herbert Mead, The Social Self, Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods. Star