Ernst von Glasersfeld. Bibliografia
2002. Ernst von Glasersfeld, In memoriam H. v. F., Oikos.org.
1999. Heinz von Förster, Ernst von Glasersfeld, Come ci si inventa. Storie, buone ragioni e entusiasmi di due responsabili dell'eresia costruttivista, Odarek Edizioni , Roma, 2001.
1998. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Il costruttivismo radicale, Società Stampa Sportiva (Divisione Cultura & Scienze), Roma.
1989. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Linguaggio e Comunicazione nel costruttivismo radicale, Metope: Clup, Milano.
1995. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Radical Constructivism: A Way of Knowing and Learning, The Falmer Press, London & Washington.
1987. Ernst von Glasersfeld, The Construction of Knowledge: Contributions to Conceptual Semantics, Intersystems Publications - Seaside, California.
1980. Ernst von Glasersfeld, An Introduction to Radical Constructivism, in Paul Watzlawick, La realtà inventata, Feltrinelli, Milano (traduzione inglese: The Invented Reality. Norton, New York, 1984).
1979. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Cybernetics, experience and the concept of self, in Mark Ozer (a cura di) A cybernetic Approach to the Assessment of Children: Towards a more Human Use of Human Beings, Westview Press, Boulder Colorado.
2001. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Scheme Theory as a Key to the Learning Paradox, 15th Advanced Course, Archives Jean Piaget Geneve.
2000. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Radical Constructivism and Teaching, .
2000. Ernst von Glasersfeld, The ASC Pages: Reflections on Cybernetics, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 2000, 7(1), 93-95.
1999. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Le Moigne's Defense of Constructivism, Published in English, Festschrift for J-L.Le Moigne: GRASCE (Ed.) Entre systémique et complexité, chemin faisant (Between systemics and conmplexity, making the way) 85-90, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.
1999. Ernst von Glasersfeld, How Do We Mean? Constructivist Sketch of Semantics, Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 1999, 6 (1), 9-16.
1997. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Piaget's Legacy: Cognition as Adaptive Activity, Presented at International Kongress.
1997. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Homage to Jean Piaget (1896-1982), Irish J. of Psychology, 18 (2), 293-306.
1996. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Cybernetics and the Art of Living, Plenary address, 13th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, April 9-12, 1996.
1995. Ernst von Glasersfeld, A Cybernetician before Cybernetics, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 1997, 14(2), 137-139.
1992. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Aspects of Radical Constructivism and its Educational Recommendations, Presented at ICMe-7, Working Group #4, Quebec.
1989. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Cognition, Construction of Knowledge, and Teaching, SYNTHESE, 1989 80(1), 121-140 (special issue on education).
1983. Ernst von Glasersfeld, Learning as constructive activity, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the North American Group of PME, J.C. Bergeron & N. Herscovics (Eds.), PME-NA, Monteréal.