Rom Harré. Bibliografia

2006. Rom Harré, Key Thinkers in Psychology, Sage, London.

2005. Rom Harré, Michael Tissaw, Wittgenstein and Psychology. A Pratical Guide, Ashgate, Basingstoke.

2003. Rom Harré, Fathali Moghaddam, (a cura di), The Self and Others: Positioning Individuals and Groups in Personal, Political, and Cultural Contexts, Praeger, Westport, CT.

2001. Rom Harré, Cognitive Science: A Philosophical Introduction, Sage, Los Angeles.

2001. Rom Harré, Princess Diana and the emotionology of contemporary Britain, International Journal of Group Tensions, 30, 29-38, 2001.

2000. Rom Harré, One Thousand Years of Philosophy, Blackwell, Oxford.

1998. Rom Harré, Luk van Langenhove, (a cura di), Positioning Theory, Blackwell, Oxford.

1998. Rom Harré, The Singular Self, An Introduction to the Psychology of Personhood, Sage, London. Tr. It. La singolarità del sé. Introduzione alla psicologia della persona, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2000

1996. Rom Harré, Charles R. Varela, "Conflicting Varieties of Realism: Causal Powers and the Problems of Social Structure." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26.3 (September 1996): 313-325.

1996, Rom Harré, The Emotions. Social, Cultural and Biological Dimensions, Sage, London.

1996. Rom Harré, Michael Krausz, Varieties of Relativism, Blackwell, Oxford.

1995. Johnatan Smith, Rom Harré, Luk Langenhove (a cura di), Rethinking Psychology, Sage, London.

1995. Johnatan Smith, Rom Harré, Luk Langenhove (a cura di), Rethinking Methods in Psychology, Sage, London.

1995. Rom Harré, Peter Stearns, Discursive Psychology in Practice, Sage, London.

1994. Rom Harré, Grant Gillett, The Discursive Mind, Sage, London.

1994. Rom Harré, Jerrold L. Aronson, Eileen Cornell Way, Realism rescued: how scientific progress is possible, Duckworth, London.

1993. Rom Harré, Roy Harris (a cura di), Linguistics and Philosophy: The Controversial Interface, Pergamon.

1991. Rom Harré, Physical Being: a theory for a corporal psychology, Blackwell, Oxford.

1986. Rom Harré, Varieties of Realism, Blackwell, Oxford.

1986. Rom Harré (a cura di), The Social Construction of Emotions, Blackwell, Oxford. Tr. It. La costruzione sociale delle emozioni, Giuffrè, Milano, 1992.

1985. Rom Harré, David Clarke, Nicola De Carlo, Motives & Mechanisms: An Introduction to the Psychology of Action, Routledge, London. Tr. It. Teoria e Pratica in Psicologia dell'Azione, Giuffrè, Milano, 1992.

1983. Rom Harré, Personal Being, Blackwell, Oxford.

1983. Rom Harré, Richard Lamb, The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology, Mit Press, Cambridge, MA.

1979. Rom Harré, Social Being: A Theory for a Social Psychology II, Blackwell, Oxford.

1976. Rom Harré, Life Sentences: Aspects of the Social Role of Language, John Wiley & Sons.

1975. Rom Harré, Edward H. Madden, Causal Powers, Blackwell, Oxford.

1972. Rom Harré, Paul F. Secord, The Explanation of Social Behaviour, Blackwell, Oxford. Tr. It. La spiegazione del comportamento sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1977.
