Edwin Lemert. Bibliografia

1997. Edwin Lemert, The trouble with evil. Social Control at the Edge of Morality, The SUNY Press, Albany.

1986. Edwin Lemert, Juvenile Justice Italian Style, Law and Society Review, 20, (4), 509-544.

1981. Edwin Lemert, Issues in the study of deviance, Sociological Quarterly, 22, (2), 285-305.

1978. Edwin Lemert, Dill Forrest, Offenders in the Community: The Probation Subsidy in California, Lexington Books, Lexiton, Mass.

1978. Edwin Lemert, Values, Valuation, and Choice in Edward Sagarin (a cura di) Sociology: Basic Concepts, Holt Rinehart, New York.

1976. Edwin Lemert, Response to Critcs: Feedback and Choice, in Lewis Coser, Otto Larsen (a cura di) The Uses of Controversary in Sociology, Free Press, New York.

1974. Edwin Lemert, Beyond Mead: The societal reaction to deviance, Social Problems, 21, (4), 457-468.

1970. Edwin Lemert, Social Action and Legal Change: Revolution Within the Juvenile Court, Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago.

1967. Edwin Lemert, Devianza, problemi sociali e forme di controllo, Giuffrè, Milano, 1981.

1964. Edwin Lemert, Social Structure, Social Control and Deviation, in Marshall Clinard (a cura di) Anomie and Deviant Behavior, Free Press, New York.

1962. Edwin Lemert, Paranoia and the Dynamics of Exclusion, Sociometry, 25, (1), 2-19.

1951. Edwin Lemert, Social pathology: Systematic approaches to the study of sociopathic behavior, McGraw-Hill, New York.

1948. Edwin Lemert, Some Aspects of a General Theory of Sociopathic Behavior, Proceeding of the Pacific Sociological Society, 16, (1), 23-29.

1946. Edwin Lemert, Legal commitment and Social Control, Sociology and Social Research, 30, (5), 370-378.

1945. Edwin Lemert, The grand jury as an agent of social control, American Sociological Review, 10, (6), 751-758.

1944. Edwin Lemert, Charles Van Riper, The Use of Psychodrama in the Treatment of Speech Defects, Sociometry, 7, ( 2), 90-195.

1943. Edwin Lemert, Social Participation and Totalitarian War, American Sociological Review 89, (5), 531-536.
