David Matza. Biografia

David Matza was born on May 1, 1930 in New York.  He received his Bachelors degree in 1953 from the City of New York College.  In addition he received his Masters and Doctorate degree from Princeton.  Presently, Matza is a Professor Emeritus at the University of California’s Department of Sociology.

David Matza, who focused on juvenile delinquency, is most popularly known for his work with Gresham Sykes and their theory of neutralization.  Matza also ventured out on his own, giving further explanations and studies of juvenile delinquency.  Because he was studying criminal activity during the mid-twentieth century, he was influenced by the social and political unrest in the United States.  Even though theorists have criticized Matza’s work, it is still used by theorists today as a source of discussion on the topic of juvenile delinquency.