Hugh Mehan. Bibliografia


2001. Amanda Datnow, Lea Hubbard, Hugh Mehan, Extending School Reform. Educational Change and Development Series, Routledge Falmer.

1996. Hugh Mehan, Irene Villanueva, Lea Hubbard, Angela Lintz, Constructing School Success: The Consequences of Untracking Low Achieving Students, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

1986. Hugh Mehan, Handicapping the handicapped: Decision making in students’ careers, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.

1985b. Hugh Mehan, Handicapping the Handicapped., Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.

1979a. Hugh Mehan, Learning lessons. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, MA.

1975. Hugh Mehan, The reality of ethnomethodology, Wiley, New York.



1998. Hugh Mehan, The study of social interaction in educational settings: Accomplishments and unresolved issues. Human Development, 41, 245-269.

1993. Hugh Mehan, Why I like to look: On the use of videotape as an instrument in educational research, in M. Schratz (a cura di), Qualitative voices in educational research, London, Falmer Press, pp. 93-105.

1992. Hugh Mehan, Understanding inequality in schools: The contribution of interpretive studies. The sociology of Educatio, 65(1):1–20.

1991. Hugh Mehan, The school’s work of sorting students, in Boden e Zimmerman [1991, 71-90].

1987a. Hugh Mehan, Language and istitutional authority: Medicine, education and law, Norwood (N.J.), Ablex, pp. 140-186.

1987b. Hugh Mehan, Language and power in organizational process, in “Discourese Process”, 10, pp. 291-301.

1985a. Hugh Mehan, The structure of classroom discourse. In: T.A. van Dijk,ed. Handbook of discourse analysis. London: Academic Press. Vol. III:120-31.

1984a. Hugh Mehan, Institutional decision-making, in B. Rogoff e J. Lave (a cura di), Everyday cognition. Its development in social context, Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press.

1984b. Hugh Mehan, Language and schooling, Sociology of Education, Vol. 57, No. 3 (Jul., 1984), pp. 174-183.

1982. Hugh Mehan, The structure of classroom events and their consequences for student performance. In Gilmore, P, & Glatthorn, A (Eds.). Children in and out of school, p.59-87. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

1979b. Hugh Mehan, What time is it Denise?’: Asking known information questions in classroom discourse. Theory into Practice, 18(4), 285-294.

1978. Hugh Mehan, Structuring school structure. Harvard Educational Review, 48, 32-64.

1974a. Hugh Mehan, Accomplishing classroom lessons, in A.V. Cicourel et al., Language use and school performance, New York, Academic Pess, pp. 73-142.

1974b. Hugh Mehan, Ethnomethodology and Education, in D. O’Shea (a cura di), Sociology of school and schooling. Proceedings of annual sociology of education association meetings, Washington D.C., National Institute of Education.

1973. Hugh Mehan, Assessing children’s language using abilities, in M.J. Armer e A.S. Grimshaw (a cura di), Comparative sociological research, New York, Wiley Interscience.
