Kenneth Plummer. Biografia

Ken Plummer has been a Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex and is now partly retired. He came to Essex in 1975 and has taught, researched and written widely on sexuality (especially lesbian and gay studies); is interested in the development of a humanistic method and theory (especially through narrative, life story and the postmodern turn); and has a long standing interest in the teaching of introductory sociology. He has published around 15 books and some 100 articles. His main books include Sexual Stigma (1975); Telling Sexual Stories (1995); Documents of Life-2: An Invitation to a Critical Humanism; and Intimate Citizenship (2003) as well as editing The Making of the Modern Homosexual (1981), and Modern Homosexualities (1992). His most recent articles include ‘Intimate Citizenship in an Unjust World’ (in the Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities (2005), edited by Mary Romero & Eric Margolis, pp75-99), and ‘Rights Work: Constructing lesbian, gay and sexual rights in modern times’ (in Rights, (2006) edited by Lydia Morris pp152-67). He is editor of the journal Sexualities. A number of publications are still awaited.