John h. Weakland. Bibliografia


1995. John Weakland, Wendell Ray, (a cura di) Propagations: Thirty Years of Influence from the Mental Research Institute, The Haworth Press, New York.

1982. Richard Fisch, John Weakland, Lynn Segal, The Tactics of Change: Doing Therapy Briefly, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

1978. John Weakland Pursuing the evident into schizophrenia and beyond. In: Milton M. Berger (a cura di) Beyond the Double Bind: Communication and Family Systems, Theories and Techniques with Schizophrenics, BrunnerIMazel, New York.

1977. Paul Watzlawick, John Weakland (a cura di), La prospettiva relazionale. I contributi del Mental research institute di Palo Alto dal 1965 al 1974, Astrolabio, Roma, 1978.

1976. John Weakland, The double-bind theory by self-reflexive hindsight. In: Carlos E. Sluzki and Donald C. Ransom (a cura di) Double Bind: The Foundation of the Communicational Approach to the Family, Grune & Stratton, New York.

1974. Paul Watzlawick, John Weakland, Richard Fisch, Change: la formazione e la soluzione dei problemi, Astrolabio, Roma.


1974. John Weakland, Richard Fisch, Paul Watzlawick, Arthur Bodin, Brief therapy: focused problem resolution. Family Process, 13: 141-168.

1963. Gregory Bateson, Don D. Jackson, Jay Haley, John Weakland, A note on the double bind - 1962. Family Process, 2: 154-161.

1956. Gregory Bateson, Don D. Jackson, Jay Haley, John Weakland, Toward a theory of schizophrenia. Behavioral Science, 1: 25 1-264.
