Jerome Bruner. Bibliografia
2002. Jerome Bruner, Making stories: Law, literature, life, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York. Tr. It. La fabbrica delle storie, Laterza, Roma - Bari.
2000. Anthony Amsterdam, Jerome Bruner, Minding the law, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
1996. Jerome Bruner, The culture of education, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Tr. It. La cultura dell'educazione, nuovi orizzonti per la scuola, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2000.
1990. Jerome Bruner, Acts of Meaning, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Tr. It. La ricerca del significato. Per una psicologia culturale, Bollati Boringhieri, 1992.
1989. Marc Bornstein, Jerome Bruner, (a cura di), Interaction in human development, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ.
1987. Jerome Bruner, Helen Haste, (a cura di.), Making sense: The child's construction of the world, Methuen, New York.
1986. Jerome Bruner, Actual Minds, Possible Worlds, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Tr. It. La mente a più dimensioni, Laterza, Roma - Bari, 1993.
1983. Jerome Bruner, In search of mind: essay in autobiography, Harper & Row, New York. Tr. It. Alla ricerca della mente: autobiografia intellettuale, Armando, Roma, 1997.
1983. Jerome Bruner, Children's Talk: Learning to Use Language, Norton, New York. Tr. It. Il linguaggio del bambino, Armando, Roma, 1991.
1980. Jerome Bruner, Under five in Britain, High Scope Press, Ypsilanti, MI.
1976. Jerome Bruner, Alison Jolly, Kathy Sylva, (a cura di), Play: Its role in evolution and development, Basic Books, New York.
1974. Connolly, K., & Jerome Bruner, (a cura di), The growth of competence, Academic Press, Oxford, UK.
1973. Jerome Bruner, Beyond the Information Given, W.W. Norton and Company, New York. Tr. It. Psicologia della conoscenza, Armando, Roma, 1976.
1971. Jerome Bruner, The relevance of education, W. W. Norton, Oxford, UK.
1968. Jerome Bruner, Processes of Cognitive Growth: Infancy, Clark University Press, Worcester, MA. Tr. It. Prime fasi dello sviluppo cognitivo, Armando, Roma, 1985.
1966. Jerome Bruner, Rose Olver, Patrica Greenfield, Studies in Cognitive Growth, John Wiley & Sons, New York. Tr. It. Studi sullo sviluppo cognitivo, Armando, Roma, 1968.
1966. Jerome Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction. Tr. It. Verso una teoria dell'istruzione, Armando, Roma, 1982.
1962. Jerome Bruner, On knowing: Essays for the left hand, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
1960. Jerome Bruner, The Process of Education, Harvard University Press, MA. Tr. It. Il processo educativo. Dopo Dewey, Armando, Roma, 1966.
1957. Jerome Bruner, Brunswik, E., Festinger, L., Heider, F., Meuenzinger, K. F., Osgood, C. E., & Rapaport, D., Contemporary approaches to cognition:
A report of a symposium at the University of Colorado, May 12-14, 1955, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.1956. Jerome Bruner, Jacqueline Goodnow, George Austin, A Study of Thinking, Wiley, New York. Tr. It. Il pensiero: strategie e categorie, Armando, Roma, 1969.
1956. Brewster Smith, Jerome Bruner, Robert White, Opinions and personality, John Wiley, New York.
1950. Jerome Bruner, David Krech, (a cura di), Perception and personality: A symposium (1949, Denver), Duke University Press, Durham, NC.
1944. Jerome Bruner, Mandate for the people, Duell, Sloan & Pearce, New York. 1943. Jerome Bruner, Public thinking on post-war problems, National Planning Association, Washington, DC.